2018 Internal Competitions


The draws for our 2018  competitions took place in the Clubhouse during Roll Up on the afternoon Thursday 30th May by the the Competition Secretary and the Club Secretary using ‘Tumbling Tom’  if you don’t like the draw blame the machinery not the Operators!!!!!!

The 2018 Roll of Honour can be viewed by scrolling to the bottom of this page.

The 2018 Players Handicap list was determined at a meeting of the Competitions Sub-Committee (2017 Men’s and Ladies Captains & Competition Secretary) in the Clubhouse on the morning of Saturday 2nd of June.

 The 2018 Players Handicap List is:

Handicap list 2018

The Overall Competitions Timetable is as follows:

2018 Round End Dates

The Ladies Singles Competition Draw is:

Ladies Singles Draw 2018

The Ladies 2-Wood Singles Competition is:

Ladies 2-wood Singles Draw 2018

The Men’s Singles Competition is:

Men's Singles Draw 2018

Men’s 2-Wood Singles Competition is:

Men's 2-wood Singles Draw 2018

The Handicap Singles Competition is:

Handicap Draw 2018

The Veterans Singles Competition is:

Veterans Draw 2018

The Novice Singles Competition is:

Novice Singles Draw 2018

The Ladies Pairs Competitions is:

Ladies Pairs Draw 2018

The Men’s Pairs Competition is:

Mens Pairs Draw 2018

The Mixed Pairs Competition is:

Mixed Pairs Draw 2018

The Pedlow Pairs teams were determined using a ‘guided’ draw based on the 2018 Players Handicap List to determine teams of roughly equal overall Handicap value – the teams are:

Pedlow Pairs Teams 2018

This competiti0n uses a pseudo round-robin format:

Pedlow Trophy Pairs 2018

The Highland Trophy (for players defeated in the first round of either the Ladies or Mens Singles) is:

Highland Trophy Singles Draw Sheet

The Newcomers Singles Competition draw & guidance is:

Newcomers Singles


Our Finals weekend was Sept 8th/9th; very successful both on, and off, the green.

Our Presentation Night took place on Saturday 24th November 2018 at Berkhamsted Golf Club; images of some of the award winners can be viewed from the 2018 Presentation Night page.

The 2018 Roll of Honour can be viewed below:

2018 Roll of Honour


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