
Feb 192023

Chris Gray been tasked by our Committee with setting up and acting as Administrator for a new Club-wide WhatsApp Group.

Now, before you say, oh no, not another ***** WhatsApp group, let him explain!.

For a number of years, the men of our Club have had access to the ‘Berkhamsted BC Men’ group and last year I created a ‘BBC Men’s Captain Info’ group, specifically targeted at those men who participated in our competitive male matches.

However, what we do not have is a group for ALL of our members, regardless of sex, ability or even just our social members. The aim of this new WhatsApp Group is inform all Members, as the need arises to keep everyone up-to-date with all things concerning our Club on a regular basis.

Currently, our Club has some major plans to improve the parking capacity, which will include some reorganisation of our sheds. This will require a lot of assistance from our members, with a ‘working’ day taking place on Friday 17th February, starting at 9.30am. NB: It will not only be manual labour that is required on this and subsequent days !

This new WhatsApp Group will allow us to circulate events like this to all members in a quick and timely manner, before and once the season starts. And from late April, it can be used for all sorts of our bowls season, including forthcoming matches, late player call-ups due to absence, updates of results and pictures, to name just a few advantages of this new facility.

Now, a little bit of administration to make this WhatsApp Group a success

No frivolity, please IE: No memes, GIFs, jokes (funny or rude !) etc
No posting at unsociable times (nothing before 8am or after 10pm)
Keep your posts brief and relevant to our Bowls Club, only
– The constant ‘pinging’ or vibration of a mobile can be really annoying ; Therefore, to keep the messages down to a minimum, after someone posts on the Group, can I ask our Members to refrain from ‘liking’ a post by putting a thumbs-up emoji or a short message like “Congratulations’ or “hard luck”.

I would encourage as many members as possible to join this new WhatsApp Group. You must have WhatsApp on your phone – if you haven’t then download it now! You can contact me directly and I can add you,  or send me a Msg (WhatsApp, Text etc), or use the following link: or, for those members more tech savvy, use the QR Code below!

Lastly, I/we do appreciate and recognise that some of our members either do not have a more modern smart mobile or are not that au fait with some of our current technology. Therefore, our Club will continue to post information on its Facebook site and endeavour to spread news via word of mouth and information posted on our notice boards.

For any more information, or to report any issues, please contact me, Chris Gray (07961 918353)

If you have WhatsApp already on your mobile device you can sign up using the QR code below:




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