Nov 272013

These were the main points to come out of our recent AGM:

* The Mens Captain’s position remains unfilled, as does the Mens Vice Captain

* The offer by one male member has been made to run the mens competitive teams

* The Press Officers position is also vacant with Alan Jones standing down

* Subscriptions have been raised across all forms of membership by £5

* All the motions put forward were either withdrawn or defeated

* The Club want to target Adults in the age group of 40 to 50 as part of its recruitment drive in 2014

* We also want to recruit more youngsters and have targeted a figure of 12 Junior members, it currently stands at 8

* The Juniors were largely applauded for their contributions to the Club on and off the green

* We hope to speed up the pace of the green largely through de thatching, more winter maintenance & the removal of some perimieter conifers

* We will look at sponsorship & advertising opportunities

* The Committee stressed the urgency for more regular help with daily/weekly jobs

* It was generally agreed that the new Dinner Dance Night, the re vamped Finals weekend and the new Open Forum evening were big hits

* The new kitchen extractor system was shown offf for the first time much to the amusement of the members who are assured of healthier and safer cooking conditions for the new year

* For a full list of all 2014 Club Officers and other positions held please look at the Officers & Committee members page. You will also see which postions are now vacant and need filling.

If any member wishes to help the club in any shape or form with any task however small please come forward and contact your Committee asap – every pair of hands makes lighter work for someone else.




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