Burger & Games Night: 1st December 2023
On Sunday morning 10th December we held our 2023 Christmas Fayre in the Clubhouse – superbly organised by Peter Batchelor and his team. It was an opportunity for members and their friends to get together over a drink & cakes and have a go a guessing the weight of the cake, the number of sweets in the jar, trying their luck on the Tombola and joining in the ‘generously supported’ raffle.
Sarah Marshall, our blind bowling world champion, used all of her senses to guess the weight of the cake.
Over £950 was raised for the club and the money made on the Tea stall – supplemented by a matching donation from Tony Smart- (total £74) is to be donated to The Happy Wanderers charity in Northchurch.
A Big Thank You to all who came and supported this event; it is always very gratifying to event organisers when their hard work is supported like this; we know Peter was well pleased with the outcome.
Finally there were three unclaimed raffle prizes (see below): Yellow ticket 393; Peach/Orange ticket 10 and Blue ticket 63. Surely the holder of Blue 63 cannot be too embarrassed to claim the prize from the L Collection!
- Festive Clubhouse
- Tombola stall
- Guess the cake winner: Sarah Marshall