Saturday 23rd March saw the return of a Club favourite – Lee Rivers – to entertain some 50 members with his musical repertoire.  Sheila & her team had decorated the clubhouse including a table of raffle prizes generously donated by members.

As can be seen from the poster above the evening kicked off with a Ploughman’s Supper washed down with appropriate beverages!  This provided the necessary fuel for the later evening action – amazing how old & aching joints can be made to work with lively musical accompaniment!!!!  At times it was Lee Rivers accompanied by the Bowls Club chorus as he ran through old favourite songs from the 60s & 7os!!  How is it we can all remember the words  to those songs when we don’t know what we did last week!!!!

Brian Ralphs was once again on hand with his camera to capture the mood and some of his many images can be seen in his album by clicking here – when you’ve done please remember to use your browsers back/return arrow to exit the album.

At the conclusion of the evening the raffle was drawn and raised approximately £250

A really fantastic evening enjoyed by all and once again organised superbly by Sheila Bell with major contributions from husband John, Lesley Drake, Carole Dunn, Jackie Cormack and the ‘boys!!’ on the bar – Steve Burrell & Brian Ralphs.  A repeat of this evening should definitely be on the cards!!!

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