If you require any further information about our coaching please contact our Recruitment & Development Officer Kevin Clarke on 07841 371943.  In the meantime you may be interested in looking at some of the following:

On-line coaching videos

Having an appreciation of a tried and tested technique, however, will help you play the best game you can. The links to on-line coaching videos below are given to help with this. However, we cannot be held responsible for any breakages or injuries you may incur when using any of these on-line coaching videos… 

Selecting the Bowl Having the correct bowl for the size of your hand and ensuring it is of the correct weight for you is vital.  This video will help highlight some of the key points you should consider when choosing a set of bowls.
The Grip How should you hold the bowl to help ensure the best delivery.
The Stance Position of feet, position of body – what are the alternatives.
Delivery The most important part of bowling – or is it?   Take some advice from this expert.
Delivery Line How should the bowl travel to the jack?  Watch this to see.
Common Faults How many of these do you have?   Let’s eliminate them one at a time.
The Draw Shot The one we always want to achieve – let this coach give you advice on how to make the perfect draw.

More videos will be added as we come across them and all will be vetted by our coaches to ensure they do not conflict with current practices but please remember, what is right for one person, may not be right for you.   

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