Bowls England Celebration Match June 2016
We were immensely pleased and proud to host a Bowls England Team on Wednesday June 15th in a match to celebrate our award as Bowls England National Club of the Year in 2015. The match was on 6 rinks and the Bowls England team comprised representatives from 9 counties, from as far afield as Lancashire and Cornwall. The team was accompanied by, and indeed included as playing members, the current Bowls England President Michael Jennings, the Senior Vice President Viv Tomlinson, Junior Vice-President Bill Smith and Immediate Past President Marcia Dunstone.
Prior to the match, there were two events with proceeds going to charity: one a traditional ‘spider’ competition – the lucky winner, Berkhamsted’s Tony Smart receiving a bottle of whisky, and a President’s challenge whereby Michael Jennings was challenged to deliver 4 woods into a 1 metre-sized diamond shaped area with a donation to his charity for every successful bowl. His charity, Disability Bowls, received a donation of £100 from these two activities.
The match was played in a competitive but friendly spirit with , not too surprisingly, Bowls England winning 129 – 106. Afterwards we treated our visitors royally with an excellent meal and hospitality which, considering that the heavens had just opened with a vengeance outside, rounded off a very satisfying and enjoyable day.

Kevin Clarke leading the celebrations as another Micheal Jennings wood nestles in the challenge diamond.
More photos of the day are available by clicking here