Membership Renewals for the coming season are due.
I am writing to you as the new Membership Secretary to invite you to renew your Membership. As I am new to the Club and this role, I ask for your patience and understanding as I find my feet.
As you are no doubt aware, things are more expensive now; in particular the Club’s electricity bill is now approx. 3 times! Consequently, at the AGM in November the Committee’s proposal for a modest increase in the membership fees to: Full £150 & Social £40 was passed.
Any issues or payment enquiries please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Rod Hattan, Membership Secretary, e-mail:; Mobile: 07960 717540
Please complete below and make payment preferably as soon as possible and no later than 20th March 2024.
***Please note that under the Terms of Use for the Card Reader we are not permitted to use it for Membership Subscriptions, so we cannot accept payment via the Card Reader. Therefore payment should be via one of: Cash, Cheque or Bank Transfer***
2024 Renewal Fees:
Full Playing Member: £150.00 Social Member: £40.00
Junior/Student Member (i.e. those in full time education): £30.00
Cheques and Cash please to: The Membership Secretary – Rod Hattan at:-
9 Meadowcroft, Northchurch, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, HP4 3YT.