Friends & family Day 2019
2.45pm – 4.15pm Circuit Bowls (£1 per round)
4.15pm – 4.45pm Afternoon Tea Break (Target challenge on green £1 per go)
4.45pm – 5.00pm Knockout Spider (£1 per person)
5.00pm – 6.15pm Family pairs challenge (£2 per team)
Please bring lots of pound coins with you if you would like a go !
Other information for you:
General theme: Garden/fete style set up
Other off green events: Quoits, bean bag ladder, bubble wands, music
Ext catering in white gazebo: bacon butties, sausages, burgers
Int catering in clubhouse: Finger food, sandwiches, afternoon tea (cream scones etc), Pimms at bar
All profits to be shared between Club & Parkinsons UK.
THERE IS A LIST ON THE CLUBHOUSE NOTICE BOARD, please indicate your interest so we know how much catering is required.
WE ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR HELP TO RUN THE EVENT ON AND OFF THE GREEN, if you can help us out we would love to hear from you (just an hour here or there all helps)